

Interlanguage Pragmatic Research: What's next?

Monday, August 25th, 2003, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, University of Minnesota

Kobe City University of Foreign Studies in cooperation with JALT Pragmatics SIG are sponsoring a talk by Dr. Andrew Cohen, Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Minnesota, U.S.A.

Organization: Kobe City University of Foreign Studies

Cost: free

Venue: UNITY, Room 3 (beside Gakuentoshi Subway Station on Seishin-chuo line)

Location: Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

Contact Kobe City University of Foreign Studies

Donna Tatsuki

Work phone: 078-974-8208

Junichi Murata

Work phone: 078-794-8228