This is an archive of all of the past events of Fukuoka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching on ELT Calendar.
How to write a better abstract for the JALT2025 Conference call for presentation submissions
Trevor Holster (Program Chair for the JALT2025 International conference)
Comparative Analysis of English Education in Asia: Personal Experiences and Teaching Observations
Zhang Meng and Luengvoraphan Yanika
How to write a better abstract for the JALT2024 Conference call for presentation proposals
JALT2024 Vetting Committee Chair, Trevor A. Holster (Fukuoka Jogakuin University)
Fukuoka JALT My Share
Miki Tokunaga, Pharo Sok, Fess Higgins, Tim Pritchard, and Yasuo Nakatani
(1) Navigating Pronunciation Priorities with Japanese Learners; (2) Maximizing AI for Pronunciation Improvement
Yusuke Shibata (Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University)
(1) Has Junior High School English Education in Japan Changed?; (2) Does Soft-CLIL work in National Institute of Technology?
(1) Miki Tokunaga (National Institute of Technology (KOSEN) Kurume College); (2) Tatsuma Shirai (National Institute of Technology (KOSEN) Kurume College)
(1) Fukuoka JALT AGM (2) Reflections from a Language Learner and Teacher
(2) Robert Chartrand (Kurume University)
Bonenkai (Dec 14 at noon)
all are welcome
More Personal Finance in Japan with Ben Tanaka (Shearon)
Ben Tanaka (Shearon)
An Introduction to Test Item Analysis Using jMetrik
Trevor Holster
University Entrance Examinations Stratify High School English Education
Fukunaga Sunao
Fukuoka JALT My Share
Yaya Yao, Brendan Van Deusen, Steven Apotheker, and David John Wood
Using No-Code Tools for Language Experiments and Activities
Laurie Griffith
(1) ALTs - procurement, employment status and cost; (2) University teachers and the 5 year rule/10 year rule
Chris Flynn (Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences)
TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching) and ELF (English as a Lingua Franca): Implications for materials design
Justin Harris
Early finishers: What do students do when they finish tasks early, what does this tell us about tasks, and how should we treat early finishers?
Paul Stone (Gakushuin University)
A Conceptual Toolkit for Language Teaching Practitioners: Applications in the Japanese Context
Eoin Jordan (University of St Andrews)
Fukuoka JALT Bonenkai (end of year party)
all are invited