TUJ Tokyo Distinguished Lecturer Series (Seminar 3): Class-centered Teaching: A Framework for Understanding the Nature of Effective Language Teaching
Saturday, July 18th, 2009, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Rose Senior (University of Western Australia)
In this seminar a teacher-generated framework for understanding the nature of effective classroom practice will be presented. This framework is based on the recognition by teachers that the quality of the overall class group is a crucial variable in the success of classroom teaching and learning. Effective language teachers intuitively behave in ways that encourage their classes to develop integrative cultures that enhance both teaching and learning.
In the initial session key aspects of class-centered teaching (CCT) will be described, including the crucial relationship between teachers and their classes, how class groups develop and function, how class-centered teachers integrate teaching and class management practices and how they alternate between teacher- and student-centered behavior. In the workshops that follow a range of dimensions of CCT will be explored, with participants invited to share their classroom experiences and insights with others and to relate CCT to the Japanese educational context. In the final session the key principles underpinning CCT will be identified and discussed.
The first three hours of each TUJ seminar (Saturday from 2 - 5 p.m.) are free and open to the public. TUJ TESOL alumni are welcome to attend the entire weekend without charge; the weekend auditing fee for others is 12,500 yen
Organization: Temple University Japan
Cost: TUJ Members: free for TUJ TESOL alumni
Non-members: the first three hours are free; weekend fee is 12,500 yen
Venue: Temple University Japan, Tokyo map
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan
Contact Temple University Japan
Temple University Japan
Work phone: 03-5441-9800