

Developing Visual Literacy in the Language Classroom

Sunday, October 27th, 2002, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Terry Royce

Is there now a need to include visual literacy as one of the aims of learner language development, given the burgeoning visual culture that is appearing in our textbooks and on the Internet? If so, what can we as teachers do to develop our own visual literacy skills so that we can help our students to extract the multiple messages of the new forms of media? For a long time now the image in textbooks has been largely ignored - for example, in many Mombukagakusho reading textbooks, the stories or passages are often presented with both images and writing combined. How often are these used as a powerful source of meaning, or simply ignored as page fillers? Understanding the importance of the image in your textbooks can in actual fact become a valuable tool for developing students' vocabulary, pre-reading, reading, comprehension, speaking, and listening skills (it is even useful for assessment!). The participants in this workshop will be shown some ideas on how to extract visual meaning through questioning the images in their classrooms, and will have opportunities examine actual Mombukagakusho textbooks and examples of web pages in terms of these questions. The focus will be on practical teaching ideas to try the next day you teach. If possible, participants are requested to bring examples of their own Monbusho-approved or commercial class textbooks (which include visuals), as they may form part of the workshop activities.
About the presenter:Terry Royce is Program Director at the Tokyo campus of the Teachers College Columbia University MA in TESOL Program and has been appointed by Teachers College (New York) to the Tokyo program. He teaches courses in discourse analysis, pedagogical grammar, and TESOL classroom methods and practica on this program. He obtained his Ph.D. in Linguistic Science from the University of Reading (UK) and his MA in Applied Linguistics from Sydney University (Aust). His research interests include the analysis of multimodality, discourse and cohesion analysis across disciplines (specifically scientific and economics discourse), the application of systemic-functional linguistics to discourse varieties and TESOL education, and the forensic linguistic analysis of police negotiators of discourse.

Organization: Sendai Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Sendai JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: free (also free for TALE members; TALE is Tohoku Association of Language Educators)
Non-members: 1000 yen (for non-JALT and non-TALE members)

Venue: Aibaku Chuo Shimin Center (formerly the Ichibancho Shimin Center) behind Maruzen

Location: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

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