

Peace as a Global Language (PGL) Conference 2023: Advancing the Understanding and Empowerment of Multicultural and Minority Communities

Sunday, October 29th, 2023, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Speaker: Keiko Kikuchi, Saul Takahashi, Paul Duffill, Kazuya Asakawa, Tamiko Kimoto. Call for presentations ends October 1st

The Peace as a Global Language Committee is pleased to announce that this year's conference will be held at Toyo University on the theme: Advancing the Understanding and Promotion of Multicultural and Minority Communities. Much research shows the negative statistics of indigenous peoples, compared to the majority counterpart of the country or region, which includes lower life expectancy, higher unemployment, lower mental health and more substance abuse. Due to the effects of colonization, cultural genocide, and assimilation policies to this day, stereotypes and discrimination against minority peoples by the majority population are still prevalent, mainly attributed to the dominant society's lack of knowledge. However, indigenous peoples around the world have been working in various ways to strengthen their pride, identities, and resist assimilation policies. This is what the conference aims to highlight.

Call for Conference Presentations
The Conference Committee is currently accepting proposals for presentations and posters on a variety of topics related to the conference theme. The deadline for proposal submission is October 1. Notification of acceptance will be sent by October 7. Please see https://sites.google.com/view/pgl2023/call-for-papers to submit.

Organization: Peace as a Global Language Conference

Cost: free

Venue: Toyo University Akabanedai Campus, Faculty of Information Networking for Innovation And Design (INIAD), 1-chome-7-11 Akabanedai, Kita City, Tokyo 115-8650

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Contact Peace as a Global Language Conference