

What is Cooperative Learning?

Sunday, June 4th, 2023, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Speaker: Joel Laurier (Keio University)

Post-COVID teachers must prepare students to be critical global netizens capable of solving problems with an increasingly diversified community, necessitating a change in classroom dynamics. Cooperative Learning (CL) research is an effective tool for developing a supportive and positive learning environment. It also shows solid results in reducing the ever-widening education gap and the potential to improve emotional affect. This presentation introduces basic principles of CL and techniques to increase student engagement, sharing, and opinion forming. It is Intended for teachers of all levels in all subjects who want to develop 21st century skills students need in the post-COVID era.

Organization: ETJ East Tokyo (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ East Tokyo)

Cost: free

Venue: Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71832648385?pwd=aafyxHxLoKghnlecbhrSHf2QIq9Wx5.1 meeting ID: 718 3264 8385 passcode: w2DMsT

Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event

Contact ETJ East Tokyo

Yuco Kikuchi

Mobile phone: 070-6400-6464