

Teaching Fluency Using the Verbal Classrooms Method

Saturday, March 4th, 2023, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Jose Domingo Cruz

All teachers want their students to achieve higher levels of fluency, but how to teach it, and what classroom methods actually work? José Domingo Cruz has been teaching fluency-based speaking classes for over 20 years and will share his methods and theories to get students to speak faster and to say more. In addition to a basic description of the essentials of his teaching techniques, he will demonstrate some classroom activities, from the basic Answer-Question pattern (AQp) to One Idea, One Breath (OIOB) which are aimed at basic fluency awareness and improvement, to more advanced methods such as Word Throw, Timed Speeches and Disagreements. Time permitting, there will also be an introduction to his authentic listening / fluency practice website, GOLDFish365: goldfish365.com.

Zoom information
Via Zoom https://kyutech-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/87616580140?pwd=Y2RGUjFRVGIySlF2Nldid1Q5NDJLZz09
Meeting ID: 876 1658 0140
Passcode: 526882

Organization: Shizuoka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Shizuoka JALT)

Cost: free

Venue: Online with Zoom

Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event

Contact Shizuoka JALT

Gregg McNabb