

Genki English - Teacher Training for Elementary School

Sunday, April 28th, 2002, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Speaker: Richard Graham and Will Jasprizza, Genki English

Learn ways to make your kids have fun, enjoy English and become really excited about all the possibilities English offers! How to make your kids quiet, or loud, curing katakana accents, getting them motivated and wanting to speak more! Richard and Will from Genki English will introduce tried and tested, fun games, songs and activities to get elementary school aged kids interested in English, and the world! A Q&A session will follow.

Organization: Maruzen Bookshops

Cost: free

Venue: 4th Floor Maruzen Bookshop, Nihonbashi

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Contact Maruzen Bookshops

Mizuho Futokoro (2017 Workshop)

Work phone: 03-5288-8881