

The 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Teaching and Research in ESP UEC Tokyo 2015

Saturday, February 14th, 2015, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Yukio Tono (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Judy Noguchi (Mukogawa Women's University), Brian Paltridge (The University of Sydney). Call for participation deadline is Dec. 21

The first symposium which took place this past February was a great success, and many people who are interested in ESP/EAP practice and research gathered together to share ideas. Next February, we hope even more people will come together at UEC Tokyo for this event. There will be three invited speakers who will talk about ESP/EAP from various perspectives. Also, everyone is invited to submit abstracts for a poster to share your educational ideas and research with a wider range of practitioners and researchers of ESP/EAP. Deadline for abstracts of poster presentations will be December 21, 2014. The abstracts will be vetted, and notification of acceptance will take place on December 26, 2014. Poster and proceeding submissions will be due January 18, 2015. Even if you are unable to present a poster, you are welcome to just come to attend the event and benefit from the invited speakers and other peers' presentations.

We invite abstracts for poster presentations on the following themes:

  1. Approaches, Methods and Pedagogy
  2. ESP Theories: Developments and Applications
  3. Innovation in ESP: Syllabus & Curriculum
  4. Materials Development
  5. Needs Analysis
  6. Corpus Linguistics and DDL
  7. Language Issues in ESP
  8. Testing and Assessment
  9. Teacher Training and Development
  10. Any other related themes

Poster title: max 12 words. Poster abstracts: max 250 words. Please include the affiliations and full contact of presenter(s), biography of presenter(s) (max 50 words). Submit abstracts as MS Word (doc or docx) to to esp2015@bunka.uec.ac.jp.

Organization: University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo Research Station on Innovative and Global Tertiary English Education (UEC)

Cost: Pre-registration fee is 2000 yen and Onsite fee of 3000 yen (free for students)

Venue: The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo

Location: Chofu City, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Contact UEC

Shin'ichi Hashimoto