

A Review of the Theoretical Origins of English for Specific Purposes

Saturday, June 28th, 2014, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Tomonori Ono

ESP first emerged in the 1960s as a result of linguistic interest in scientific prose and technical English. The demand for ESP grew during the 1970s as a result of the works of influential scholars such as Swales (1971) and Bates and Dudley-Evans (1976) who focused on the use of the English language in scientific writing. However, it was not until the 1980s before linguists attempted to define and treat ESP as a separate field. This presentation will trace the theoretical origins of ESP through an examination of the literature with respect to common definitions, characteristics, and classification systems.

Tomonori Ono earned an MA in TESL with Distinction at Hawaii Pacific University, and was awarded the National Dean's List: Honoring America's Most Outstanding College Students in 2006-2007. He is currently pursuing his doctoral studies in ESP at the Graduate School of Language Education at International Christian University, and teaches ESP courses at Keio University and Aoyama Gakuin University.

Organization: JACET English for Specific Purposes SIG (Japan Association of College English Teachers) Kanto (JACET ESP SIG Kanto)

Cost: free

Venue: Tokyo Keizai University, Building 6, Room F-305 (Tokyo Keizai University 1-7-34 Minamicho, Kokubunji, Tokyo (map)

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Contact JACET ESP SIG Kanto

Reiko Fujita

Shinichi Hashimoto