

Integrating Collaborative Projects with ICTs

Sunday, March 25th, 2012, 11:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Speaker: Shelly Terrell

This is an online seminar being held Sunday, 25 March 2012, 14:00 GM Time, which is 11 PM on the same day in Japan. The event takes place in the IATEFL online conference room; click here for details on how to connect.

Educators have realized the impact of hands-on learning for engaging and motivating learners. When students learn through projects they are able to integrate research. Various ICTs (information and communication technologies) have several features that motivate learners to create stories, videos, mindmaps, and more to share with their families and peers. As an educator, discover lesson ideas to implement in the classroom and ways to evaluate and manage collaborative projects.

Shelly Sanchez Terrell is an education activist, teacher trainer, and international speaker. She is the Social Media Community Manager for The Consultants-E and the co-creator of various internationally acclaimed educational projects. Visit her blog, Teacher Reboot Camp. In 2012 find her book, The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. Twitter: @ShellTerrell.

Alternative Access
IATEFL LT SIG webinars are recorded, and if you are a Learning Technologies SIG member, you have access to the recordings.

Organization: The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, Learning Technologies Special Interest Group (IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG)

Cost: IATEFL Members: free
Non-members: free; open to non-LT SIG members

Venue: IATEFL Online conference room

Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event

Contact IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG

Graham Stanley