

Power Seminars EFL Event: Young Adult Learners

Sunday, October 16th, 2011, 9:30 AM - 5:15 PM

Speaker: Mat White, Vick Ssali, Ben Backwell, and Peter Warner

Come for a full day of workshops focusing on activities to use with college aged students (and up). Mat White, Vick Ssali, Ben Backwell, and Peter Warner will cover a variety of themes from using movies and journal-writing with students, to activities for improving pronunciation and communication. This Power Seminars Event will be held on October 16th at a new location: Sugiyama High School, a short walk from Kakuozan Station on the Higashiyama Line.

Organization: Power Seminars

Cost: 5,000 yen (register with a friend = 4,000 yen per attendee)

Venue: Sugiyama High School (Kakuozan Station) Yamazoe Campus, Nagoya

Location: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

Contact Power Seminars

Joshua Myerson