

Lions, Witches, and Reindeer: Creating lessons to get children excited about learning

Sunday, September 4th, 2011, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Speaker: Tanja T. Yoder, Director, Instructor at Knock Knock English

Far too often in ESL/EFL curricula, the target language is selected and then forced into artificial themes, rather than starting with themes students are naturally interested in and teaching language that seamlessly fits within those topics. Using super simple songs, games, and activities, this workshop will give you classroom tips and ideas on how to teach from the students' interest levels. Large or small classes, same- or mixed-level classes, there's something here for everyone! Pre-register by emailing to yuco@onlineworkshop

Organization: EFL Arena

Cost: EFL Arena Members: free for ETJ and EFL Arena members
Non-members: 500 yen

Venue: Chiba City Civic Hall

Location: Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan

Contact EFL Arena

Yuco Kikuchi

Mobile phone: 070-6400-6464