

Facilitating Technology-Enhanced Active Learning Strategies on Your Campus

Sunday, January 10th, 2010, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Speaker: James L. Morrison, UNC Chapel Hill

The JALT CALL SIG is happy to announce an event in Tokyo on Sunday, January 10, 2010 from 2-4PM at Showa Women's University near Sangenjaya station, 2 stops outside Shibuya.

James Morrison has authored over 200 publications about education, technology and planning and has made several hundred conference presentations around the world. He has graciously agreed to present in Tokyo on his return from keynoting a conference in Singapore in early January.

Enhanced Active Learning Strategies on Your Campus
Sponsored by the JALT CALL SIG
In this 90-minute session, Professor Morrison will first respond to these questions:
(1) What do we mean by technology-enhanced active learning strategies? And
(2) Why are they important to improving instructional effectiveness?
The majority of the session will focus on small group work addressing these questions:
(1) What are the barriers to implementing technology-enhanced active learning strategies on Japanese campuses? and
(2) What are effective strategies for addressing these barriers?
The group report backs will be recorded and posted on a Web site along with relevant references.

James L. Morrison is Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership at UNC Chapel Hill. He is the Founding Editor of On the Horizon, The Technology Source, and Innovate Facilitating Technology.

This event is co-sponsored by the CALL SIG and both the Tokyo and West Tokyo chapters of JALT. For more information, please contact Kevin Ryan at (tokyokevin at gmail dot com).

Organization: Computer-Assisted Language Learning Special Interest Group, Japan Association for Language Teaching (CALL SIG of JALT)

Cost: free

Venue: Showa Women's University (near Sangenjaya Sta., 2 stops outside Shibuya)

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Contact CALL SIG of JALT

JALT CALL conference