

Increasing the Effectiveness of Your Classroom Activities

Sunday, January 13th, 2008, 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Speaker: Eric Kane

As teachers we all strive to maintain our students' attention while maximizing the learning experience in our classrooms. By using effective non-verbal communication techniques when presenting materials we can greatly boost the students ' attention spans and interest in our lessons. Both you and your students can learn to communicate better, and have more fun doing it! We will learn some simple and easy-to-use techniques in this active presentation!

Bio: Eric has been a school owner for nearly 7 years, where he is able to incorporate his Communications Degree with his experiences from Drama Club, Debate Team, Forensic Speaking Team, and being a generally goofy guy into making his teaching and school a success. Please preregister by sending an email to kyotoetj@yahoo.co.jp

Organization: ETJ Kyoto (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Kyoto)

Cost: 500 yen

Venue: Kyoto Prefectural International Center, 9F Kyoto Station building, Isetan. For a map visit: http://etjkyoto.theschoolowner.org/access.htm

Location: Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

Contact ETJ Kyoto

Pamela Sakamoto