

A Workshop For Teachers of Junior High School and Below

Sunday, February 3rd, 2008, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Yuco Kikuchi

1:00 - 1:15 pm registration
1:20 - 3:30 pm Yuco Kikuchi: Helping Children Learn to Read - From reading words to reading stories. Children who can read simple words enjoy reading easy stories or graded readers. The joy of reading is much greater than a teacher might think. Reading books motivates children a lot. It also gives children chances to see or virtually experience how lives are in other cultures. Children in Japan rarely have opportunities to use their English outside class. Giving children opportunities to read books aloud is one of the things EFL teachers can offer them to use what they learned in class. In this workshop the presenter will first share a step by step approach of the effective but simple reading program that motivates children who are not confident readers. In the last half of the workshop, the participants will be asked to actively experience various literacy activities. Activities will include card games, board games and other easy to prepare activities that help children recognize sound and letter connection and read simple words. Informal observation on two groups, one where children use phonics workbooks, the other where children learned to read without using any phonics workbooks but by playing games, will be also discussed.

Ms Kikuchi teaches children, junior high students and adults. She started workshops for teachers of children at the Tokyo YWCA in 1996. She assisted and collaborated in a distance education program in Chiba and Florida in 1999-2000. She presented workshops in China in 2003. She is currently giving on-site and on-line workshops. She opened lab-schools in Chiba and Tokyo offering in-class teacher training sessions, and also volunteers for the after school program at a public elementary school.

Note: There will be a 10-minute break during Ms Kukuchi¡¯s presentation.

3.30 - 3.50 Break

3.50 - 4.15 A chance to play with, and discuss, some of the activities from Yuco's presentation.

4.15 - 4.45 Andy Boon. Andy will share some ideas for making test preparation more enjoyable.

4:45 - 5:00 Tidy up time

5:00 We must vacate the room by this time

Musahino Shiminkaikan is less than 5 minutes walk from Musashi Sakai Station on the Chuo Line, and the station is only 18 minutes from Shinjuku. You can see a map and a picture of the building on their website. Alternatively, you can just follow the 'ETJ' chalk marks from the north exit of Musashi Sakai Station.

This ETJ Tokyo workshop is open to members only. However, you may join ETJ on the day. Membership is free.

Pre-registration helps us to prepare the right amount of handouts in advance. Please pre-register by sending an e-mail to:
etj_tokyo_reg@yahoo.co.jp(in Japanese), or
etj_tokyo_registration@yahoo.co.uk (in English)

Organization: ETJ Tokyo (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Tokyo)

Cost: 500 yen

Venue: Musashino City, Sakai 2-3-7, Musashino Shiminkaikan, Dai 1 Gakku Shu shitsu (second floor)

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Contact ETJ Tokyo

Ellie Kumagai and Chinny Mbakwe