

Canadian Studies in Kyushu: Bridging Islands Lecture in English

Saturday, October 27th, 2007, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Godfrey Baldacchino, International University of Kagoshima

Of interest to language teachers, and researchers in fields of identity and anthropology, the Canadian Research Chair in Island Studies introduces his new book Bridging Islands. Bridging Islands will be used as the basis of this presentation dealing with the challenges that islands face in an age of rampant globalization. Kagoshima Prefecture is endowed with 24 islands of varying size, resources, dialects, and identities. Godfrey Baldacchino explains how some islands have been successful at deploying policy to tweak this impact to their

Organization: The International University of Kagoshima, Canadian Studies Centre (IUK Canadian Studies)

Cost: IUK Canadian Studies Members: to International University of Kagoshima
Non-members: youth, the love of local language and ability to communicate globally, and the strategic deployment

Venue: advantage. These include policies relating to the controlled attraction of expatriates or visitors. The key resource is a strong island identity, the inculcation of 'glocality' in island children and

Location: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan

Contact IUK Canadian Studies

David McMurray