

Part A: Actually Teaching Listening: The importance of script and of supra-segmental phonology. Part B: Teaching the Strategies of Speaking

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Alastair Graham-Marr (Abax ELT Publishers)

Part A SYNOPSIS: This talk looks to examine how you can go beyond giving practice in listening and actually teach listening skills. Knowledge of script is something that can be taught that helps students with their top-down predictive skills. Teaching supra-segmental phonology helps students with their bottom-up decoding skills.

Part B: SYNOPSIS: We all use strategies when we speak: to confirm or clarify what we're saying and what we're hearing, to show interest, to maintain and develop conversations, to help with fluency, to compensate for language we don't have. Communication Spotlight is a new text that teaches students how to use these strategies.

Organization: Hiroshima Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Hiroshima JALT)

Cost: free

Venue: Hiroshima Peace Park, International Conference Center 3F.

Location: Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

Contact Hiroshima JALT

Daniel Hougham

2017 Hiroshima JALT Conference