The Macmillan Colloquium on Learners' Dictionaries Today
Saturday, September 11th, 2004, 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Speaker: Call for papers due June 15, 2004
Macmillan Education is happy to announce their first colloquium on learners’ dictionaries to be held in Tokyo this September. They would like to invite you and your colleagues to attend this special event to share ideas on the development of learners’ English dictionaries.
Tentative Schedule for September 11 (Saturday)
- 9:00 Registration
- 9:45 Opening
- 10:00 Plenary I: Hilary Nesi
- 11:15-17:50 Paper / Workshop / Featured speakers
- (12:00-13:00 Lunch Break)
- 18:30 Reception
September 12 (Sunday)- 9:00 Registration
- 9:45 Opening
- 10:00 Plenary II: Masaaki Osugi
- 11:15-13:50 Paper/Workshop
- (12:00-13:00 Lunch Break)
- 14:00 Round Table
- 16:00 Closing
Guest speakers:- Hilary Nesi (University of Warwick, UK)
- Masaaki Osugi (Seisen University, Japan)
- Michael Rundell (Editor-in-chief, Macmillan English Dictionary)
- Gwyneth Fox (Dictionary Publisher for Macmillan Education
Call for papers due June 15, 2004 The Colloquium Advisory Board is now accepting proposals for presentations and workshops on any issues related to learners' dictionaries.
The deadline for submission of presentation proposals is June 15, 2004. The abstract should consist of 300 words maximum (800 characters in Japanese) with the title at the top of the page and the name of the presenter(s) with the e-mail address(es) and their affiliation below the title on the right.
Biographical data should not exceed 100 words and should be written on a separate page in the third person. Forty minutes is allotted per presentation. Send the presentation proposal with the abstract and biographical data to the following address: E-mail:
The proposals will be vetted by the following members:
- Michael Rundell (Editor-in-chief, Macmillan English Dictionary)
- Gwyneth Fox (Dictionary Publisher for Macmillan Education)
- Yukio Tono (Meikai University)
- Shigeru Yamada (Waseda University)
- Yuri Komuro (Japan Women’s University)
Some of the papers will be published as "Selected Papers" from Macmillan LanguageHouse.
Note that pre-registration recommended (the number is limited. First come, first served). Please see the details at
Organization: Macmillan LanguageHouse
(Macmillian LanguageHouse)
Cost: 2 days: 3,000 yen. 1 day: 2,000 yen Pre-registration recommended (the number is limited)
Venue: Nihonseinenkan Hotel (Jingugaien, Tokyo)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan
Contact Macmillian LanguageHouse
Macmillan Language House - general inquiries
Work phone: 03-4533-8082