Sunday, September 30th, 2001, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Speaker: Derek Mackrell, Thomson Learning
Learning a language provides special challenges for all students. This presentation shows how to use the learner-centered task-based approach to encourage active communication, getting students to learn by doing. The presenter will use examples from Expressions, a new 3-level, 4-skill series by David Nunan, to demonstrate the step-by-step language-building tasks that help provide students with the skills, confidence, and motivation to become more fluent English speakers. Derek Mackrell worked as a teacher and teacher trainer at various schools in Japan for six years before joining Thomson Learning as an ELT consultant last year. He has a Cambridge/RSA Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults, and has presented Thomson Learning's materials at bookfairs and JALT meetings around Japan.
Organization: Gunma Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Gunma JALT)
Cost: free
Venue: Nodai Niko High School in Takasaki-shi
Location: Gunma City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan