

Window on the World and End of Year Party

Sunday, December 12th, 2004, 2:00 PM - 4:45 PM

Speaker: Tamao Hoshina

At this end of year event at Tami Kaneko's home, members and non-members are invited to enjoy some snacks and listen to Ms. Tamao Hoshina who will be giving a talk about her experiences in Cambodia for the Japanese voluntary organization JICA. After studying in the USA, Tamao returned to Japan and became involved in special needs education in the state system. Currently she works at Hanada Yogo Gakko and is interested in "shikiji kyoiku", the education of recognizing words. Come along to this last event of the Shinshu JALT calendar and enjoy what looks to be a fascinating talk.

Organization: Nagano Chapter (formerly the Shinshu Chapter) of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Nagano JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1000 yen

Venue: Tami Kaneko's home, Suwa

Location: Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

Contact Nagano JALT

Miguel Mision