Thursday, January 23rd, 2003, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Speaker: Joanna Sook Ja Park
January is the season for New Years resolutions and setting goals, so come along to the first FEW meeting for 2003 and learn how to achieve work/life balance! See the FEW website for further information. Note please that some FEW events are women-only, so be sure to check with FEW if this restriction affects you.
Organization: Foreign Executive Women (Tokyo Chapter of FEW)
Cost: FEW Members: 2,000 yen, includes buffet dinner and drinks
Non-members: 5,000 yen, includes buffet dinner and drinks
Venue: Foreign Correspondent's Club of Japan, Yurakucho Denki Bldg. 20F, Yurakucho, Tokyo
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan