

Genki English CD vol. IV Launch Party

Saturday, November 16th, 2002, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Speaker: Richard Graham and Will Jasprizza, Genki English

Richard and Will from Genki English celebrate the launch of the new Genki English CD by doing a free show, going through all the gestures and actions for the 8 new songs. It'll be fun and kids can come along if they are accompanied by a teacher or parent. There might even be a few freebies and surprises. (This show is a repeated of the one 11AM - 1PM earlier the same day.)

Organization: Maruzen Bookshops

Cost: free

Venue: 4th Floor Maruzen Bookshop, Nihonbashi. 10 minute walk from Tokyo Station

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Contact Maruzen Bookshops

Mizuho Futokoro (2017 Workshop)

Work phone: 03-5288-8881